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Daily English -21-19-2019

12th History - Unit 1 to 8 - Two and Three Marks Study Material

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12th History - Vol.1 Study Materials

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  • 12th History - Vol.1 Study Materials

10th Social - Unit 6,7 Study Material

10th New Study Material ( New Books Based )
  • 10th Social - Unit 6,7 Study Material

10th Social - History Unit 4,6,7 Study Material

10th New Study Material ( New Books Based )
  • 10th Social - History Unit 4,6,7 Study Material

12th Biology - Glossary Study Material

12th New Study Materials (As Per New Book 2019-2019):
  • 12th Biology - Glossary Study Material

10th Social - Vol. 2 One Mark Questions

10th New Study Material ( New Books Based )
  • 10th Social - Vol. 2 One Mark Questions

12th Accountancy - Unit 8 Model Question Paper

12th New Study Materials (As Per New Book 2019-2019):
  • 12th Accountancy - Unit 8 Model Question Paper

12th Maths - 75% Portion Model Question Paper

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10th Science - Practical Study Material

10th Science Practical - Study Materials Download (English Medium & Tamil Medium)
  • 10th Physics Practical
  • 10th Science - Practical Study Material

6th to 10th English - Lesson Plan for 4th Week October 2019

Lesson Plans Model From Teachers
  • 6th to 10th English - Lesson Plan for 4th Week October 2019

12th Tamil - Unit 2 Model Question Paper

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  • 12th Tamil - Unit 2 Model Question Paper

JEE Exam - 2 Years Study Plan

12th New Study Materials (As Per New Book 2019-2019):
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11th Commerce - Full Study Material

Latest 11th Study Materials

  • 11th Commerce - Full Study Material

12th Computer Science - Full Study Materials

12th New Study Materials (As Per New Book 2019-2019):
  • 12th Computer Science - Full Study Materials

12th Computer Applications - Chapter 1 to 12 Study Material

12th New Study Materials (As Per New Book 2019-2019):
  • 12th Computer Applications - Chapter 1 to 12 Study Material

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11th Commerce - Important Questions for Public Exam

Latest 11th Study Materials
  • 11th Commerce - Important Questions for Public Exam

How To Take Print In Shaala Siddhi Web Site

2 Days Training For PG Teachers - CEO Proceeding

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