TRB - роЙроЯро▒்роХро▓்ро╡ி роЖроЪிро░ிропро░்роХро│் родேро░்ро╡ро░்роХро│் родроХுродிропாройро╡ро░்роХро│் рокроЯ்роЯிропро▓் ро╡ெро│ிропீроЯு.
Direct Recruitment of Special Teachers in School Education and other Departments for the year 2012 to 2016 - PET Provisional Selection List...
Ineligible List - View here...
The Board had issued notification No.5/2017 dated 26/07/2017 for the Direct Recruitment of Special Teachers. As per the said notification Board conducted written competitive examination on 23/09/2017 and exam result were published on 14/06/2018. The Board conducted certificate verification on 13/08/2018 and published the provisional selection list for the notified vacancies on 12/10/2018.
After the publication of result, some of the candidates filed writ petitions before the Hon’ble High court to consider the qualification such as CPED,DPED as eligible one for the said recruitment of Physical Education Teachers The Hon’ble High court of Madras in W.A.No.3812 of 2019 etc.., directed the government to consider the candidature of the appellants in terms of the Government order.
Following the judgements delivered by the Hon’ble high court in various cases, W.A(MD) No 110 of 2019, W.A (MD) 65 of 2019 etc…, the Board has decided to consider the equivalent G.O’s, re-verified the Certificate Verification documents and awarded the weightage marks as per the available CV documents. The Board has decided to withdraw the provisional selection list for the post of Physical Education Teachers published on 12/10/2018.
Now, the board releases the revised provisional selection list for the post of Physical Education Teachers for the notified vacancies in School Education department. The list is prepared based on the written marks and weightage marks for employment seniority as per the available CV documents, duly following merit cum communal rotation as per the rules in vouge.
In the revised provisional selection list, Some of the vacancies earmarked for specific reservation turn such as Ex-serviceman Turn, PSTM turn are kept reserved due to the non-availability of suitable candidates for such turn in the certificate verification held on 13/08/2018. Board has decided to call the suitable candidates for the reserved vacancies for certificate verification separately.
The revised provisional selection list for the post of Physical Education Teachers now released is purely provisional and is subject to the further verification of documents and outcome of writ petitions (if any) before the Hon’ble High court of Madras and Madurai bench of Hon’ble High court of Madras.
The appointment order for the selected candidates after satisfying all conditions will be issued based on relevent rules by the Directorate of School Education
Utmost care has been taken in preparing the list and in publishing it. Teachers Recruitment Board reserves the right to correct any errors at any stage that may have crept in. Incorrect list would not confer any right of enforcement.
Teachers Recruitment Board reserves the right to correct any errors that may have crept in.
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