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NISHTHA Training என்றால் என்ன? - Full Details

National Initiative for School Heads and Teachers Holistic Advance NISHTHA Guidelines. Teacher Training Programme will be initiated by Ministry Human Resources Development MHRD and NCERT National Council for Education Research and Training through Integrated Teacher Training Programme for Improving Quality of School Education. Here are the guidelines for NISHTHA Programme in AP and Telangana details we can get at

NISHTHA Guidelines and Action Plan

Generally, training programs are conducted for teachers, school principals, SMCs and State/district/block/cluster level functionaries in isolated manner with different objectives and content. The NISHTHA program attempts to bring all the stakeholders and target groups on the same platform integrating them and orienting them on similar content focusing on their specific roles and responsibilities.

 National Resource Groups comprising of 15 Experts each will train Key Resource Persons (identified by the State and UT for further teacher training) and State Resource Person already trained by NIEPA (identified by the State and UT for further training of school heads and other functionaries). An exemplar methodology for selection of KRPs is at Annexure-I. The details on the number of KRPs and SRPs required for each state and UT is enclosed at Annexure-II. These KRPs and SRPs will directly train teachers and school heads. Therefore, the Master trainer layer has been eliminated. This will help in reducing the high percentage of communication loss that occurs due to many layers.

Expected Outcomes:

The following quantifiable outcomes have been envisaged to be achieved after the completion of integrated teachers’ training:

100 % government elementary teachers will be trained.
100% Head Teachers, Head Masters, and Principals will be trained
100 % SCERT and DIET faculty will be trained.
100 % BRCCs and CRCCs will be trained

Topics covered and expected outcomes

There are total 12 modules for teachers and 5 modules for school heads, which are categorized below:

Categories of the Modules:

1) Generic Issues including ICT and Samagra Shiksha

2) School Based Assessment

3) Art Integrated Learning

4) Pedagogy of Subjects

5) Leadership Concerns

Structure of the Modules

Each module will have the following structure:

• Learning Objectives

• Brief introduction about the subject area

• Class specific Learning Outcomes in the subject area- An Overview

• A brief on the pedagogies to be used for achieving the learning outcomes

• Example of a whole chapter/theme (from NCERT Textbook)- transaction modalities focusing on

a) Introduction of the chapter/theme- linking Learner’s day to day experiences with the theme

b) Learning outcomes to be achieved through the theme/chapter (pedagogies preferred for achieving the learning outcomes)

c) Conduct of in-built activities using learner centered approach

d) Perspective of in-built evaluation

e) Examples should be such that show integration of general issues (diversity, values, etc.,) wherever appropriate.

f) Exercises – why different types of questions? Why some are open ended and divergent?

g) How to address issue of multilingualism if arise during the session/class?

Activities for the KRPs/Teachers

a) Make a classroom plan for transacting one or two themes/chapters from one or two textbooks (NCERT) linking it with learning outcomes.

b) Develop an activity, which will focus on enhancing gender sensitivity/inclusion/environmental sensitivity/scientific temper and integrating it with subject-specific theme.


a) What has been learnt through this module?

b) What has been left?

Download Guidelines for NISHTHA

Click here for Official Website

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