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Flash News: TRB - Special Teacher Exam - Hall Ticket Now Published

Teachers Recruitment Board
 College Road, Chennai-600006

Direct Recruitment of Special Teachers in School Education and other Departments for the year 2012-2016
HALL TICKET          
       TRB issued Notification for the Direct Recruitment of Special Teachers in School Education and other Departments for the year 2012-2016vide Notification No.05/2017, dated 26.07.2017. In this connection, TRB now releases the Provisional Hall Tickets for those candidates who applied for the said examination.
            It is informed to all applicants that the decision of the Board to issue Hall Tickets to all applicants is purely provisional and does not confer any acceptance of their claim in the application. Issuing the Hall Tickets and permitting the candidates to sit for the examination does not mean that their application forms have been accepted by the Board. The Board reserves its right to reject the candidature at any stage of the recruitment.
            Some of the applications received by the board do not have the candidate’s photograph. The Board has provisionally admitted such candidates and uploaded their hall tickets without photograph. These candidates are advised to download the form herein and fill in the details, affix a recent passport size colour photograph and get it attested by a Gazetted Officer. The same must be handed over to the exam hall supervisor at the time of examination, along with a stamp size colour photograph.
            Utmost care has been taken in preparing the hall tickets and in publishing them. Teachers Recruitment Board reserves the right to correct any errors that may have crept in

Dated: 11-09-2017

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  1. Goodmrng friends.. If anybody calls trb ask them about paper2 merit list also.. More calls will get some result..

    1. Good mrng sister.ithu super protest mam v2la irunte

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Yes brother, munadi relaxation apo kuda ipdi dha panom.. Kandippa idhu mel edathuku report agum..

    4. Nanum call panrane sis dailyum responsible ah onnum solla mattingaranga

    5. Nanum call panrane sis dailyum responsible ah onnum solla mattingaranga

    6. Yes sis, avanga apdi than but namalum vidama pananum..

  2. Pgtrb selected get rdy for appointment
    P2 cv completed..
    P1 cv rdy
    1114 postings apptmt started alrdy...
    P2 no list wil b posting now...
    Okokok byeeeee.. Abv all r true..not guessing like other ano mary evano unknown nameless POLAPUKETE KUMBAL . READERS BE AWARE OF THESE COMEDIANS

  3. SG teachers postukku vacant erukka

  4. Replies
    1. Yes, all the best for selected candidates..

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. All the best for selected pg candidates

  6. Abubar sonnadhu true

  7. Congrats for selected candidates

  8. Is there any chance for second list in pg trb

  9. Best wishes to all

  10. All the best for pgt selected teachers

  11. Tn tet Paper 2 list viduvangala mattangala? Posting Unda illaya?


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