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7th Pay commission latest news

7th Pay commission latest news.

1. Minimum pay 21000/-
2. No grade pay system and open ended scales.
3.Retirement - 33yrs of service or 60yrs of age whichever is earlier.
4. HRA 30% CCA to be reinforced.
5. Categories of posts to be modified.
6.Date of effect from 1.1.2016.
7. Calculations 2.86 x basic pay agreed.7th CPC joint draft memorandum submitted on by the member of CPC from DOPT, MHA, MEA and DS&T etc with recommendations toimplement w.e.f. 1st January 2016.

Member (attached 26 pages report) Pay scale are calculated on the basis of pay drawn in PB including GP multiply by the factor 2.15 and new basic pay will be (old PB GP)*2.15 (.) Pension and family pension multiply factor should be 2.50. Member (attached 14 pages report)annual rate of increment divided into five categories(A) 2500 for fixed basic (B) 1500 for class 1(C) 1200 for class2 (D) 1000-Group A,800-Group B,600-Group C for class 3 (E) 400 for class 4 annually. Member(attached 32 pages report) The present MACPs scheme should be replaced by giving 4 up gradation after completion of 10,18,25,30 years of continues service.

Member (attached 28 pages report) house rent allowance should be as it was in 6th CPC and date of increment should be 1st January in place of 1st July w.e.f. 01-01-2016 and house building advance should be 50 times of new basic pay.

Member (attached 12 pages report) Transport allowance should be 10% of new basic pay DA in X class cities and 5% of new basic pay DA in Y class cities. Member (attached 38 pages report) (a)All India transfer allowance @5% of new basic pay per monthto only those who have completed minimum three postings in different three States. (b)Maximum service length 31years, Maximum age 60 years for retirement from service with condition whichever is early.(c)Pata military special pay should be @5% of new basic pay to only those who have completed minimum three years service either in NE region or J&K region.

Member (attached 24 pages report) New pay scale .Old PB-1,GP-1800 New pay scale are 15000-33600,Old PB-1,GP-1900&2000 New pay scale are 21500-40100,Old PB-1, GP-2400&2800 New pay scale are 25000-43600. OldPB-2, GP-4200 New pay scale are 30000-54800, Old PB-2, GP-4600&4800 New pay scale are 40000-71000,Old PB-2,GP-5400 New pay scale are 45000-90000,Old PB-3.GP-6600 New pay scale are 52000-100000. Old GP-7600 New pay scale are 60000-110000. Old GP-9000 New pay scale are 75000-125000.

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