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TET பொருந்தாது: சிறுபான்மை பள்ளிகளுக்கு- சென்னை உயர் நீதிமன்றம் ஆணை...

     TET பொருந்தாது: சிறுபான்மை பள்ளிகளுக்கு- சென்னை உயர் நீதிமன்றம் ஆணை... 

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  2. Intha judjement vaju minority aided schoola posting podalama tet ilama therinja solunga

    1. நல்ல கேள்வி நானும் பதிலை எதிர்பார்க்கிறேன்

  3. Andha theerpai kondadum tamil makkal Intha theerpai vimarsippadu yean?

  4. Will it be applicable to Christian minority institutions or schools?

  5. Will it be applicable to Christian minority institutions or schools?

  6. Dear Viewers

    This judgement seems to be unparadoxical and controvercial to the equanimity and leads to lopsided application of rules and regulations. In fact, the minority institutions are enjoying exemption in all categories of rules and keep off the clutches of strict conditions and implementation. If TET process is not applicable to those minotiry institutional teachers, the following personalities are again getting marvellous opportunity in employment, although their institutions are minorities. They are ... Pastors' wife, Pastor's children in CSI institutions, and other denominations too. In CSI Diocese, the first priority of getting appointment is going to Pastor's wife, and then to Pastor's children, and finally the chance goes to members of the church. Actually the Pastor's wife and children are enjoying placement in minority schools before they attain the age of 25 yrs, and others are getting placement after 45 yrs of age, from the seniority list. If TET is compulsory and the Govt. is very strict in applying this rule for approving the regular posts for minorities institution, the Pastor's wife and Pastor's children will never be able to get passed in TET examinations,

    Why did the High Court forgets all spheres of impact in selection criterion of Minority Institutions ?

    Will the State Govt. come forward to appeal this High Court verdiction in Supreme Court ... for giving equanimity to all citizens in Tamilnadu, irrespective of religion ? It is a pathetic conditions to Christian teachers, especially CSI Christian Teachers, who had already passed TET and registered their names in their respective churches for 4 years and above. For this High Court judgement, all CSI Pastor's wives, Children are having a fruitful chance of getting placement, withou passing TET This kind of teachers are producing unpotential citizens in the coming years, and they in turn become second rate children having no challenging tasks in the wicked society.

    1. This is absolutely true. When senior, tet cleared teachers are there i athe school it is unfair on the part of the minority to do ad they please with appointments. Tet should be mandatory for all government aided posts either in minority and non minority institutions.

  7. இந்த தீர்ப்பே உச்ச நீதி மன்றத்தின் தீர்ப்பின் அடிப்படையில் தான் வழங்கப்பட்டுள்ளது உச்ச நீதி மன்றம் ஏற்கனவே சிறு பான்மையினருக்கு T.E.Tபொருந்தாது என்று சொல்லிவிட்டது .அரசு தான் அதற்கு அரசாணை போடாமல் விட்டு விட்டது ...

  8. CTET applicable for TN aided schools?

  9. Now goverment pronounced any mater for tet not must in minority institution

  10. Now goverment pronounced any mater for tet not must in minority institution

  11. தமிழக அரசு நீதிமன்ற தீர்ப்பை. அமுல்படுத்தக்கோரி நாம் போராட வேண்டும்


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