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TNSCERT calls for teachers

Innovative practices / Digital Educational Contents - Registration Form avl

Innovative practices / Digital Educational Contents - Registration Form

Registration form for teachers having flair with "Innovative practices" and/or having "Digital Educational Contents". These information are collected to facilitate exceptional teachers to bring to forefront and to showcase their innovative ideas to the world. This will also be a motivation for other teachers to incorporate the ideas to make learning best from better and teaching great from the good. Teachers are hereby encouraged to register in this short registration form to enable us identify you.

* Mandatory Fields
Title *
Name *
Gender *
Designation *
Contact No *
e-mail ID
School / Institutional Address *
District *
Area of Interest *
* Select the appropriate
(anyone or both)
Subject *
Write about your Digital Educational Content /
Innovative Practices *

*In your own words ( not more than 50 words )
Multiple entries are accept for more than one submission

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60 கோடி பார்வைகள் -   பாடசாலை.நெட்  - நன்றி தமிழகம்!