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TRB - Press Release

Teachers Recruitment Board  College Road, Chennai-600006

Tamil Nadu Teacher Eligibility Test  Supplementary 2012

As per the Government direction, Teachers Recruitment Board conducted Teacher Eligibility Test on 12.7.2012 and Teacher Eligibility Supplementary Examination on 14.10.2012 for Paper I and Paper II.
Candidates who have secured 60% marks and above were called for Certificate Verification. Certificate Verification was held in two spells i.e. for TNTET main examination and for TNTET Supplementary Examinations.
Now, the Board release the tentative provisionally selected list of candidates for the post of secondary grade teachers and graduate assistants. The said selection for secondary grade teachers is purely based on seniority with communal rotations and the priorities laid down by the Government of Tamil Nadu and the selection list for graduate assistants is prepared based on the weightage marks awarded as per the G.O.Ms.No.252 School Education Department dated 5.10.2012.
956 candidates passed both paper I and Paper II examinations. After obtaining their concurrence during the Certificate Verification and as per their exercised options they have been selected for BT assistants. Five candidates have opted not to joining the Government service and they will be issued with TET certificate. Result for 47 candidates has been withheld for want of production of validated employment registration card and production of Marksheets. Though they have already been given last and final opportunity, on humanitarian grounds, Teachers Recruitment Board has resolved to afford them a special opportunity. All such candidates are advised to bring their valid documents and appear in person before the Teachers Recruitment Board at 10.00 am. on 10.12.2012 at DPI complex, College Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai 6 without fail. Special arrangements have been made for this purpose. No further opportunity shall be afforded to them hereafter.
Teachers Recruitment Board conducted CV on 6th ,7th ,8th,and 9th November 2012 after intimating all the candidates and giving vide publicity through print and electronic media. In spite of that many candidates absented themselves. As a concession, Teachers Recruitment Board made special arrangements to afford a last and final opportunity for absentee candidates on 10.11.2012. It is found that 449 candidates for Paper I Secondary Grade Teachers and 84 candidates for Paper II Graduate Assistants have absented themselves again. In view of this, if absentee candidates still desire to appear for CV, they are advised to make representation in writing to Teachers Recruitment Board Headquarters. Board may consider to afford another opportunity on merit.
Further communication regarding postings and placements will be issued by the concerned departments.
Results for minority languages will be released separately.
Utmost care has been taken in preparing the list and in publishing them. Teachers Recruitment Board reserves the right to correct any errors that may have crept in. Incorrect list will not confer any right of enforcement.

Dated: 05-12-2012



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